Name change for Red Seal's Pharmacy Strength range of supplements


Name change for Red Seal's Pharmacy Strength range of supplements

Red Seal

As of the 31st March 2018, Red Seal will be changing the name of their ‘Pharmacy Strength’ range of supplements to ‘High Strength’ and will no longer be selling any supplements holding the ‘Pharmacy Strength’ name.  This follows from a complaint made to the commerce commission regarding the name Pharmacy Strength.

A statement from Red Seal’s Marketing Director Sue Millinchip on the matter follows:

“Endeavour Consumer Health used the ‘Pharmacy Strength’ description on a small range of higher potency supplements that are typically of strengths consumers would seek to purchase in pharmacies.

While Endeavour Consumer Health does not agree with the Commerce Commission’s view that the consumer could be misled by the use of “Pharmacy Strength” labelling, we respect the Commission’s decision and have agreed to modify the terminology used to describe these products”. 
