Academic pharmacist Nataly Martini highlights the importance of understanding non-Hodgkin lymphoma and pharmacists’ roles in managing this condition
Helping patients leave pain behind
Helping patients leave pain behind

Talking about butt stuff in the pharmacy can be awkward. Care Pharmaceuticals and Rectogesic® can help you get to the bottom of the issue
Anal fissures are small tears in the lining of the anus resulting from a persistent spasm in the internal anal sphincter that decreases mucosal blood flow and impairs wound healing.1,3,4 Causes include constipation, passing large stools, or straining while on the toilet, prolonged diarrhoea with excessive wiping, pregnancy and childbirth, and anal injury and scratching.5,6 They are the most common cause of severe anal pain and bleeding seen in primary care,1 and symptoms described by patients include sharp pain during pooping, bright red blood seen when wiping, anal itching, and severe pain from the sphincter spasm.4-6
Care Pharmaceuticals offers some useful tips to help Pharmacists get to the bottom of the issue when patients visit the pharmacy, noting that having these discussions in a consultation room or private corner of the pharmacy can help patients feel a bit more comfortable sharing their rectal concerns.2 If the conversation stalls, Pharmacists can help keep things moving along by taking the lead with appropriate questions and information, remembering to always show empathy and employ active listening skills to include the patient in the conversation.2
It’s also important for Pharmacists to know when to butt out and refer a patient to their GP for further assessment – including patients who are aged over 40 years, experiencing a lot of bleeding or blood that is dark or present when not pooping, symptom duration more than 3 weeks or loose, and systemic symptoms (e.g., fever, vomiting, nausea).4,7
When it comes to treating anal fissures, Rectogesic® Ointment is a non-prescription, pharmacy-only medication that is clinically proven to provide rapid and sustained relief from pain associated with medically diagnosed anal fissures.8 It has been shown to help heal anal fissures in 2 to 8 weeks and offers a nonsurgical treatment option for chronic anal fissures.9 The active ingredient in Rectogesic® is glyceryl trinitrate 0.2%, which reduces sphincter pressure, dilates blood vessels, and promotes blood flow to assist with pain reduction and wound healing.10-12
Also available are Rectogesic® Cleansing Wipes, which offer an alternative to harsh toilet paper to clean, soothe, and comfort the delicate rectal area after a bowel movement or during or after childbirth.
Care Pharmaceuticals understands that conversations around rectal health can be uncomfortable and have developed an interactive 3D rectum model to help Pharmacists engage and inform patients. This tool is a backstage pass to the backside, helping Pharmacists explain key anatomical features of the rectum and facilitating tailored conversations to address patients’ specific symptoms, concerns, and potential treatment strategies.
Click here for more information about Rectogesic® and register for Care Connect today to access useful tools and support from CarePharma.
References: 1. Villalba H, et al. Anal fissure: A common cause of anal pain. Perm J. 2007;11(4):62–65. 2. Flynn B. Overcoming patient embarrassment and building trust. PE GI Journal, 2021. Available: (accessed June 2023). 3. Fahadullah M, Peirce C. Fissure-in-ano. In: Cianci P (Ed). Proctological Diseases in Surgical Practice. 2018; Intech Open. 4. Therapeutic Guidelines. Perianal Disorders. March 2016. Available: (accessed June 2023). 5. Healthdirect. Anal fissure. August 2012. Available: (accessed June 2023). 6. Better Health Channel. Anal fissure. June 2022. Available: (accessed June 2023). 7. The Royal College of Surgeons of England. Commissioning Guide 2013: Rectal Bleeding. London, England 2013. 8. Bailey HR, et al. A study to determine the nitro-glycerine ointment dose and dosing interval that best promote the healing of chronic anal fissures. Dis Colon Rectum. 2002;45(9):1192–1199. 9. Ahmad J, et al. Comparison of topical glyceryl trinitrate with lignocaine ointment for treatment of anal fissure: A randomised controlled trial. Int J Surg. 2007;5(6):429–432. 10. Tjandra JJ, et al. Rectogesic® (glyceryl trinitrate 0.2%) ointment relieves symptoms of haemorrhoids associated with high resting anal canal pressures. Colorectal Dis. 2007;9(5):457–463. 11. Kennedy ML, et al. Glyceryl trinitrate ointment for the treatment of chronic anal fissure. Dis Colon Rectum. 1999;42(8):1000–1006. 12. Ratnasingham K, et al. Meta-analysis of the use of glyceryl trinitrate ointment after haemorrhoidectomy as an analgesic and in promoting wound healing. Int J Surg. 2010;8(8):606–611.
Care Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia. For more information call 1800 788 870 or visit Rectogesic® is a registered trademark of Care Pharmaceuticals. All rights reserved.