Pharmacy – is it your job, career or vocation?

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Pharmacy – is it your job, career or vocation?

Katrina Azer

Katrina Azer

Pharmacist watering social media heart
Pharmacists might be happier at work if they can shift their perception of their job from being a career to a vocation [Image: –t:Anton Vierietin (edited)]

Clinical pharmacist Katrina Azer looks at ways pharmacists can find satisfaction in their careers, in the first of a series of articles

If I ask you, “Why are you a pharmacist?” what would your answer be? I am guessing I might get answers like: “It pays my bills.” “It is a secu

1. Aspden TJ, Silwal PR, Marowa M, Ponton R. Why do pharmacists leave the profession? A mixed-method exploratory study. Pharm Pract (Granada) 2021 Apr-Jun;19(2):2332; doi: 10.18549/ PharmPract.2021.2.2332.

2. Elizabeth Gilbert on distinguishing between hobbies, jobs, careers, and vocation. Watch on YouTube on tinyurl. com/2e88dkr9