EXPLORE: The documents defining the new Coalition Government


EXPLORE: The documents defining the new Coalition Government

Pharmacy Today

Pharmacy Today team

It was a crowded room this morning at Parliament for the announcement of the Coalition Government agreement. Pictured at the podium - Winston Peters, Christopher Luxon and David Seymour [Image: Screenshot Newshub]

EXPLORE: Documents collected by us that we think you might find interesting

Prime Minister in waiting Christopher Luxon today held a press conference at Parliament with coalition partners David Seymour, leader of the Act Party, and Winston Peters, leader of New Zealand First, to announce details of the coalition agreements that will underpin the country's 54th Parliament.

Mr Luxon noted it was the first time representatives of three parties would sit around the Cabinet table. It is also the first time the country will have deputy prime ministers on rotation - Mr Peters holds the postion for the first 18 months and David Seymour for the second 18-month stretch.

Ministerial list 24 November 2023
Download460.2 KB
ACT and National coalition agreement 2023
Download1.98 MB
NZ First and National coalition agreement 2023
Download1.98 MB
List of ministers

The following provides the list of ministers inside and outside of Cabinet. Northland specialist GP Shane Reti has been named minister of health and minister for Pacific People.

Agreement with Act Party

This is the agreement reached between National and the Act Party, and includes details of the new regulation ministry, and agreements on Te Aka Whai Ora and the Therapeutic Products Act 2023.

Agreement with New Zealand First

This is the agreement reached between National and New Zealand First and includes a regional infrastructure fund and its health priorities, among them the use of nurse practitioners and abolishing Te Aka Whai Ora.
