Retired Wellington pharmacist looks back on a life well lived

+Off duty

Retired Wellington pharmacist looks back on a life well lived

Chris Bugden hunting
One of the attractions of New Zealand for former UK resident Chris Budgen was a lifestyle that would feed his love of hunting

Pharmacy Today reporter Nerine Zoio chats to former Pharmaceutical Society president Chris Budgen, who retired last year after enjoying a half-century working in pharmacy, to get an inside scoop on the twists and turns of his career, not to mention how he coped moving to a new country with three small children

Where did you start your career? I graduated on 11 April 1967 and was soon thereafter offered a job as a pharmacist at Westminster Hospital in Lond, Chris Bugden fellowship, Chris Budgen with his sisters Jan and Denise on the occasion of being bestowed with a fellowship for distinction in the professio