Nataly Martini provides a brief overview of selected causes of dizziness and vertigo, such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and vestibular migraine. Through case studies, she explains how these conditions may differ from serious clinical syndromes such as cervicogenic dizziness, highlighting the complexities, risk factors and management of these conditions
Des Bailey
Des Bailey owns Selwyn Village Pharmacy in Christchurch - a small neighborhood pharmacy working closely with the general practice next door.
He is the Canterbury representative for the Pharmacy Guild.
Des was on the board of the Canterbury Community Pharmacy Group for five years.
Originally from Zimbabwe, Des moved to New Zealand in 2000, requalified in 2001 and undertook postgraduate study in medicines management through Otago Pharmacy School.
He was a preceptor for the University of Colorado Pharmacy School until 2015.
Articles by Des Bailey
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Sunday 1 September 2024, 01:00 AM
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