The wargaming pharmacist who brought his hobby in house


The wargaming pharmacist who brought his hobby in house

Boromir and the men of Gondor fight off Easterling invaders in the Lord of the Rings tabletop game

Two mighty armies of plastic and metal figures face each other across the dining-room table. Each lovingly crafted miniature warrior is there for one purpose: to fight (and possibly die) for its maker, a middle-aged man looking down from on high. Measuring tapes dictate how far each soldier marches and the roll of a dice decides the effectiveness of sword blows and volleys of arrows. Kapiti pharmacist Scott Bowman speaks to reporter Jonathan Chilton-Towle about his hobby of tabletop wargaming which now forms part of his pharmacy business

What do you like about wargaming? It appeals on various levels. On one hand, it’s a creative outlet for anybody with modelling dexterity and skill, Scott Bowman, Kapiti Coast pharmacist Scott Bowman is an avid wargamer