Full immersion in te reo leads to new perspective

In print
Summer Hiatus

Full immersion in te reo leads to new perspective


Guest comment

By Claire Salter
Waikato pharmacist Claire Salter
Waikato pharmacist Claire Salter did a a te reo Māori immersion course [Image - Michael Bradley photography]

In January of 2022, community pharmacist and single mum Claire Salter uprooted her life in Christchurch to move to Waikato, just as her youngest child was completing his final year at school. It was part lifestyle change and partly her attraction to a full immersion Māori language course run at the University of Waikato’s Tauranga campus. She took out a student loan and lived off a student allowance during last year so she could devote time to her studies. She hopes her story will inspire other non-Māori to follow her path.

“Tōku reo, tōku ohooho.” This whakataukī (proverb) means “my language is my awakening”. As tauiwi, a non-Māori New Zealander, I cannot claim te