Using person-first language in primary care – woke or important?

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Using person-first language in primary care – woke or important?

By Janet Peters
Maori Carving
Te reo Māori is filtering through to all parts of our community, including primary care [Image: Peter Pruzina – Pixabay]

Psychologist Janet Peters looks at the importance of using language that promotes respect, abilities and uniqueness when communicating with patients

Key points, Use te reo Māori to enhance communication with Māori patients. Establish what each patient knows and understands before starting discussions. Reco, Education Blue W/ Grey Background W/ Padding

1. Swanson C. Real language, real hope. Te Pou, April 2017.

2. Heath S. How Overcoming Language Barriers Improves Primary Care Access. PatientEngagementHIT, 12 August 2021.